TePe Videos

Below you will find some instructional product videos, for more please visit and subscribe to our YouTube channel CLICK HERE.

TePe Interdental Assortment

TePe Toothbrush Assortment

TePe Specialty Brushes Assortment

TePe Compact Tuft™

TePe EasyPick™

TePe GOOD™ Toothbrushes

TePe® Interdental Brush - Original

TePe® Interdental Brush - Extra Soft

TePe® Implant Care Kit

TePe Kids Toothbrushes

TePe Special Care™

TePe Supreme™

TePe GOOD™ Tongue Cleaner

TePe Universal Care™

TePe Angle™

TePe® Bridge & Implant Floss

TePe® Denture Care

TePe® Extra Grip

TePe Gentle Care™

TePe® Implant Orthodontic Brush

TePe Interspace™

TePe GOOD™ Mini Flosser

TePe Nova™